Who is Restore Pilates for?

  • An individual seeking one-on-one personalized Pilates from an instructor with an extensive background in rehabilitation and wellness! Whether you’ve been in “traditional” physical therapy multiple times for various injuries or chronic ailments or you have no injuries or pain and are looking to stay healthy and active…Restore Pilates will meet you where you are at and guide you to be healthy and active for years to come!

Why Pilates?

  • With long periods of sitting, repetitive movement patterns we perform on a daily basis, and a deficit of exercise in all planes of motion, we develop muscle imbalances and maladaptive movement patterns overtime that place us at an increased risk for injury or pain. Pilates, particularly apparatus-based Pilates on the reformer or tower, provides us with an opportunity to train our bodies to use the correct muscles, move efficiently, and move effectively in all planes of motion. Pilates is by no means the best or only form of exercise, but it serves as a great adjunct to our daily or weekly routine with its focus on improving our flexibility, mobility, strength, and stability.

What is the Reformer?

  • The Pilates Reformer is a piece of equipment that has been adapted from Joseph Pilates’ invention. It consists of a solid frame with a sliding carriage, attached springs of various levels of resistance, and straps connected by a pulley system. The Pilates Reformer is designed to allow an individual to exercise laying on their back, stomach, or side; sitting up facing in any direction, kneeling in any direction, and standing in any direction. The springs on the Reformer can be increased to make resisted movements more challenging or decreased to lessen support and challenge an individual’s stability.

What is the Tower?

  • The Pilates Tower is a piece of equipment that has also been adapted from Joseph Pilates’ inspiration. It consists of a metal frame with various spring attachments consisting of different levels of resistance/varying placements. The Pilates Tower can be utilized lying on one’s back, side, or stomach, sitting up, kneeling, or standing. Exercises performed on the Pilates Tower are similar to exercises performed on the Mat or Reformer but utilizing different assistance or resistance. The Tower provides additional variety and challenge to a Pilates exercise routine.

Why Restore Pilates?

  • Some individuals do really well with an exercise routine on their own or thrive in group exercise classes. I have come to find over my 5+ years of clinical practice, that there is a subset of individuals (quite a large subset) that really benefit from one-on-one personalized exercise prescription. Arguably, we could all benefit from personalized exercise since we each have unique muscle imbalances, mobility limitations, and strength deficits. There is tremendous benefit to learning about our body uniquely and what we can do to stay mobile, active, and strong. Brittany’s background as a physical therapist makes her the ideal movement specialist. Not only is she trained to instruct you in specific exercise interventions, but she is well-versed in all neuromusculoskeletal conditions that may be impacting your ability to exercise or move as you desire. Brittany is equipped to tailor your exercise interventions to accommodate for your limitations and promote restoration and rehabilitation through movement.